
Newsletter, February 2022

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Cases for Culture Conference

We are glad to announce that final plans are underway for our “Cases for Culture” conference, hosted by the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University. The dates are December 2, 3, 2022. Check Renaissance Now for more news.

“Water Harp”, Listen to the Water

Listen to Water Harp, one of the instruments of the H2O Orchestra, Luis Szaran’s project. Luis will be present at the Cases for Culture Conference.

Healing a Broken World

Charles Landry’s article, Yes – the arts can help heal the world, has been published along with others in Healing a Broken World. Click on Image to Download the Publication.

Pre-Texts Summit, October 2021

Decolonizing Education

From November 29 to December 10, 2021, Justin Hu and Kathryn Sampeck facilitated a Pre-Texts workshop in Oklahoma to support Native American civic engagement and historical sovereignty. One participant commented: I left the workshop with ideas swirling and feelings of hope for future projects here at my Tribe. I enjoyed our time together so much I find myself missing it. I truly valued everyone’s feedback over the course of the workshop and during the activities. The dialogue pushed me to expand my consideration of issues my community faces particularly with respect to our youth. Click here to read the full report!

 Teacher’s New Role at WenLai Middle School 

Celine, one of the Shanghai WenLai Middle School teachers shared their feedback to the whole school after integrating Pre-Texts in their English reading lessons for the first term. In her conclusion, she said: The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible. Read more about this project here



Pre-Texts will Facilitate a Workshop at Documenta15


 Apply to become our Research Associate in India

The Lakshmi Mittal and Family South Asia Institute, Harvard University, in partnership with the Centre for Knowledge Alternatives, FLAME University in India, aims to roll out a pedagogical intervention in school education in India. The project starts with a pilot in Pune. We are looking for a Research Associate based in Pune, for implementing Pre-Texts pedagogical tool in the pilot school, conducting research on its impact by undertaking surveys as well as evaluating the impact. Apply here!


Yilmaz Holtz-Ersahin Pre-Texts Lecture

On June 1st, 2022, Yilmaz Holtz-Ersahin will lecture about Pre-Texts in the 8th Library Congress, hosted by BID – Bibliothek & Information Deutschland (Library & Information Germany – the Federal Union of German Library & Information Associations). The event will be held in Leipzig, Germany from 31 May to 2 June 2022. The Congress is also the 110th Deutscher Bibliothekartag (German Librarians’ Conference). Click here for more information.

Revolutionize Education Through Paid Pre-Texts Summer Program


Click here for more information!

New Policy for facilitators!



Gender-Based Violence as a Response to Boredom in Times of Pandemic: Prevention is Possible and Obligatory

Read the full Article by Marco Abarca, Josefa Ros Velasco and Doris Sommer. 

 New free career guidebook: Arts and Humanities

This is a new guidebook for high school and college students wondering how the arts and humanities can further their careers from various disciplinary perspectives. Designed  like a magazine, includes dozens of short essays by students, faculty and young professionals written specifically for other students. The project also includes short portraits of  young innovators, concrete information about majors, success stories, interviews, and other essays meant to answer some of our students’ most common questions, concerns, and misconceptions. Read the Guidebook here!


Caminos por Cases for Culture Cultural Agents Opportunities Partners Pre-Texts Rennaisance Now
February 11, 2022
by Rodriguez