Caminos de Paz / Pilgrims for Peace

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Foto publicada en El País, 8 de febrero 2024.


Our projects in Rights and Resources (see link) — arts-based education, books, sport, and symbolic reparation — add up to Restorative Justice for the planet and its people. The result is Caminos de Paz / Pilgrims for Peace.

Inspired by pilgrims who for centuries have traveled the Camino de Santiago to achieve spiritual healing, our path is not a place but a peacemaking activity. In countries violated by war and misery, peace has been misinterpreted as a goal, an objective, a purpose, when it should be understood as a continuous and vital journey.

Peace building does not end with political agreements or conventional reparations — money never suffices; legislation depends on often reluctant and sometimes sabotaged implementation; and symbolic reparation hardly helps when it amounts to monuments and plaques. Conventional measures don’t heal festering wounds of damaged land and lost lives.

Healing will come from walking together like pilgrims who learn to love the land and its diverse human guardians.


Read about it in El País: