Current Newsletter

LOL: Literacy Out Loud A Cultural Revolution in Rural Colombia


In 1947, A Jesuit priest set up school, on the radio and every other medium available in rural areas. See the webpage for the exhibit at Colombia’s Banco de la Republica starting this September 18:
More than a technical or academic literacy program for adults, the station proposed a comprehensive education structured around five main notions: reading and writing (Alphabet), basic accounts and planning (Number), physical well-being (Health), well-being material (Economy and work) and spiritual well-being (Spirituality). The notions served as a foundation for students to consciously, freely and responsibly promote their own development.
Learning through the radio made use of resources and strategies that expressed closeness to the experience of the countryside: the classes——broadcast for one hour in the mornings, one in the afternoons, and one in the evenings——were set to musical patterns. and allusions to life in the countryside, in addition to including a careful selection of practical teachings among which topics such as the use of crops, the care of animals, the uses of water or the need to have a home garden stood out.

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