
Newsletter, 22 November 2013

“There is possibility of enormous communication when you project contemporary images onto historic monuments.” –Krzysztof Wodiczko
22 November 2013
Dear Friends,
The last few weeks at Cultural Agents have been abuzz with workshops, talks, and other artist events. Ease into your weekend and escape the rain with some classical music that brings an inspiring story. Tonight, El Sistema performs at Sanders Theater.
“To play and to struggle: that came from our earliest experience when we had so many obstacles for undertaking the project, lack of spaces, instruments, financial resources,” he explains. “To play it’s a form of striving, so we can show the validity of the efforts we are committing ourselves to. The struggle is against the obstacles that present themselves. So there was always this double meaning within the kids, to be both artists and social fighters.”
art is a force that drives innovation

Tonight @ 5pm! 
El Sistema Side-by-Side: Boston and Beyond
with the Longy Conservatory Orchestra Dances and Dialects: Music from Norway and Bohemia Location: Sanders Theater, Memorial Hall, 45 Quincy Street, Cambridge
Parking: Broadway Garage, 7 Felton Street
Tickets: Event is free. Tickets will only be available the evening of the concert, first come first served.
More information here.

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We want to be your friend.Pre-Texts at Harvard
Pre-Text Course, Spanish 90p
Pre-Textos: Las artes interpretan

Starting with the classic Pedro Páramo by Juan Rulfo, Professor Doris Sommer and Visiting College Professor Kahlil Chaar-Pérez are using the Pre-Texts methodology to teach Spanish to Harvard College students. The class is now reading Alejo Carpentier’s El reino de este mundo.

Posing in front of the week’s tangents, the class shows off masks created while listening to Alejo Carpentier’s El reino de este mundo.
Stay tuned for more student updates on their Pre-Textos activities!

Freshman Seminary 36i
Reading Theater Politically

Fr 90w
“Bad” Women in French Literature

ACLS New Faculty Fellow, Professor Andreea Marculescu uses Pre-Texts principles for her Freshman Seminar, Reading Theater Politically, as well as her French course, “Bad” Women in French Literature.
Stay tuned for more student updates on their Pre-Texts activities!

Les Femmes Savantes sont les femmes fortes!
Harvard College students in Dr. Marculescu’s 90W “Bad” Women in French Lit course (taught entirely in French) display their posters on Moliere’s “Les Femmes Savantes.”

The Cultural Agents Initiative recognizes
the arts and humanities as resources for positive social change.
We work within a long humanistic tradition dedicated to
civic development and focus on identifying
artists, educators, and leaders
who have developed creative practices that reflect
on the role of art in building civil society and
responding to its challenges.

Copyright © 2013 Cultural Agents Initiative at Harvard University, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Boylston Hall, 417
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138

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Caminos por Cases for Culture Cultural Agents Opportunities Partners Pre-Texts Rennaisance Now
November 22, 2013
by Rodriguez