
Newsletter, April 2017




  • Rx: Arts for Global Health 

       (DGHSM Seminar Series)

  • WHEN: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 12 pm (lunch served at 11:45 am)
  • WHERE: Department of Global Health and Social Medicine / 641 Huntington Avenue / First Floor
  • WHAT: Prof. Becerra works with local coalitions to drive down TB disease and dearth rates through the Zero TB initiative. Prof. Sommer uses the arts and humanities to promote literacy, civic engagement, and positive social change; she has pioneered the academic study of artistic agency.
  • This seminar will review the origins and purpose of the Cultural Agents Initiative and consider applications of arts-based interventions in the fight for global health equity.
Registration is required to join this event.
  • Dos Idiomas, Una Comunidad (Two Languages, One Community)
  • WHEN: April 6 | 4 p.m.
  • WHERE: Harvard Graduate School of Education, Larson Hall
  • WHAT: Film projection: Margarita Muñiz is known in Boston as a champion of integration and bilingual education. Now, thanks to this amazing new film, the world will learn not only of her great accomplishments in Boston public education, but of her amazing life ­in Cuba, an American orphanage, and beyond. This screening will be followed by a Q&A session featuring the filmmakers. Click here to see the film trailer!
To watch the trailer:
The Committee on Ethnicity, Migration, Rights:
  • Diálogos de Saberes/Dialogues of Knowledge XXXV International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association 
  • WHEN: April 29 – May 1
  • WHERE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú: PUCP Lima, Peru
  • WHAT: The 2017 LASA Congress in Lima, Peru will build transformations in LASA and Latin American studies by underscoring the theme of “Diálogos de Saberes/Dialogues of Knowledge.” It seeks to underline a range of dialogues that move beyond the traditional academic disciplines and traditional knowledge producers. Also, it plans to promote interdisciplinary dialogue that breaks the boundaries between fields, encouraging both inter and intradisciplinary dialogues. The LASA Congress will comprise how the foci and thematic preoccupations of different academic fields diverge between United States and Latin America.

General News: Cultural Agents 

Theories Follows From Practice: Lessons From the Field

The University of Toronto Quarterly’s latest issue features articles on the public humanities, an essay co-written by the Director of Cultural Agents, Doris Sommer and the Director of the Humanities Institute at the University of Texas, Pauline Strong. Theory Follows From Practice: Lessons from the Field highlights how theory and participants are transformed by “the sometimes humble practice of service learning generates lessons that add up to the broad intellectual ambition of public humanities: to explore and expand the civic dimensions of art and interpretation, and to demonstrate through practise the centrality of the humanities to democratic processes and social justice.

Cultural Agents and LAVA Perú, by Javier Suarez

Few months ago Javier Suárez (Harvard University, GSAS-Romance Languages-Italian and Spanish, Graduate Student), founded LAVA Perú (Laboratorio de Vanguardia Pedagógica) (LAVA Perú, Pedagogical Vanguard Laboratory), inspired on House of Literature labors and Cultural Agents.

LAVA Perú is an educative proposal that promotes pedagogy as a poetical praxis. We believe the profesor is a poetic designer which labor is to burst, experiment and articulate multiple knowings within its own community. We share our poetical-pedagogies through trainings made for teachers, workshops in our cultural centres, artistic and editorial counselings.

We invite you to visit and suscribe to:

General News: Pre-Texts


Pre-Texts Workshop at Jorge Tadeo Lozano

On March 21st and 22nd occurred on the premises of the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University’s Library, a Pre-Texts workshop leading by the Pre-Texts Group UJTL, with students from different careers. During the 3 sessions, the Pre-Texts protocol was followed and the participants found the methodology different and enjoyable. They said that Pre-Texts is a very interesting method to explore new ways of reading, and the activity allowed them to put in question the way they use to behave in the Library. The participants didn’t knew the Pre-Texts methodology, but as they were invited personally they had a lot of expectations and curiosity, both that were satisfied at the end, encountering the experience as captivating and effective.
To view full workshop report:

Latin America on STEAM:
Pre-Texts Workshop

As part of the new Latin America on STEAM initiative, Prof. Doris Sommer and Dr. Antonio Copete led a Pre-Texts workshop at Harvard University, tailored specifically for work with scientific and technical texts. Participants represented a diverse set of Latin American countries and professional backgrounds, from Art History and Design to Plant Biology and Astrophysics, and experienced some of the enormous potential of introducing arts-based methodologies to the study of technical disciplines, or the so-called STEAM approach.

On the first day of the intensive 2-day workshop, participants worked with the introduction to Cosmos, by Carl Sagan, coming up with a set of creations ranging from abstract visualizations of outer space to Vallenato songs. The second day brought a more challenging and highly technical text, a Nature Reviews scientific article on the human microbiome and its association with a wide range of medical conditions. Still, through a combination of artistic activities including sculpture, photography, drawing, audio recording and gaming, participants developed an understanding of both the big-picture processes described in the text, as well as some of its challenging technical terms. We look forward to more STEAM!

Symbolic Reparations Conference 2017

Dates: Friday March 31 – Sunday April 2, 2017
Location: Harvard University (Friday & Saturday); Boston University (Sunday)
Symbolic reparations have become a central feature of court-ordered programs of reparations to victims of gross human rights violations. In the pursuit of justice and social healing, human rights courts regularly mandate symbolic reparations – including a variety of memorialization practices— to ensure the preservation of historical memory, the restoration of victims’ dignity, and the non-recurrence of violence. Yet many questions remain regarding effective means of conceptualizing symbolic reparations in order to address both measures of satisfaction for victims and guarantees of non-repetition for society at large.
Presented by the Symbolic Reparations Research Project in partnership with the Cultural Agents, this conference will address the role of the arts (broadly defined) in symbolic reparations. The arts are uniquely positioned to help us think creatively and imagine new realities, and therefore give us a powerful means to transform and transcend current conditions of social violence.

Featured Story

Halt Militarization in Mexico,
Reform the Police

Pressured by the Mexican Army, Congress wants to pass a law that formalizes the militarization of the country. It is the pinnacle of the disastrous War on Drugs which has been waged for the past ten years with atrocious consequences. Mexico does not need more of the same. We want to stop the law from passing.

To see and share the video:

I Rest My Case

“I Rest My Case” proposes how current educational system is deteriorating students’ creativity and limiting them from their full potential and ability. Each student is different; Each acquire different dream, gifts, need, and potential. Therefore, current system needs a change by promoting diverse opportunities, curriculum, and programs. It is “our duty to customize education to upgrade a change… to bring the spirit of each student, that should be our task.”
Watch the video:

For more information on upcoming events, please visit our website:

Copyright © 2015 Cultural Agents, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Cultural Agents, Inc.
259 Webster Street, #1
E. Boston, MA, 02128

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Caminos por Cases for Culture Cultural Agents Opportunities Partners Pre-Texts Rennaisance Now
April 2, 2017
by Rodriguez