Go Viral! – Cultural Agents Contests
A general principle we have learned from exemplary Cultural Agents, especially from Antanas Mockus, is that pleasure enables change. Without pleasure, nothing good happens. So our contributions to surviving the current lockdown should include opportunities for sociability, art-making, and humor, as we have already seen in many initiatives online. The pleasures of learning and art-making keep us focused over long periods of time, and prepare us with skills for living well during and after the plague.
We want to hear about your ideas and innovations for teaching and learning during the coronavirus pandemic and are excited to announce two contests (and one extra fun contest) that are now open for submissions!
Science Art Project Contest and Literature Art Project Contest
Share how you turned a virtual science or literature lesson into an art project. How did you use a difficult text to make art? How does your lesson encourage higher-order literacy skills, innovation and citizenship?
Best Joke Contest
These are challenging times and humor can help get us through feelings of depression, uncertainty and fear. Share the best joke you can come up with or one you’ve seen that gave you a great laugh.
Please send all submissions to culturalagents@gmail.com by Friday, May 8th. Submissions can include photos and videos along with written descriptions. There is no set format and we encourage you to be creative. The winners will be featured in the Cultural Agents May newsletter. |