Cultural Agents News

“The informal economy is the set of economic activities, enterprises, jobs, and workers operating outside government regulation or without protection by an employer.” Who are the players in the thriving informal economy of Peru? What are the benefits and challenges of informality to the individual and society?
In his seminar on the Informal Economy on December 7th, 2018, the former Minister of Culture of Peru, Salvador del Solar, gave us an insight into the role of colonization, migration, and globalization in the economics and social development of Peru and developing countries across the world.

Human rights violations in Latin America have led the Interamerican Court to demand that governments provide reparations to victims. This now includes “Symbolic reparations,” along with material restitutions. Here is an opportunity to include survivors and their families in the work of creating a culture that can respond to the Court’s demand for “no repetition” of abuses. Participatory practices, especially in education, hold out hope for co-constructing a sustainable peace, because “restoring” the conditions that led to violence will prepare new outbreaks.
To discuss this issue and the importance of symbolic reparation in the processes of peace and justice, CONNECTAS and Cultural Agents held a virtual meeting on December 10th, 2018 with Salvador del Solar (former Minister of Culture of Peru). Included were José Falconi (Director of Cultural Agents), and Prof. Doris Sommer (Faculty-Director of Cultural Agents).
Visit the following link to learn more about the discussion.
Watch the discussion on this link.

Cultural Agents is proud to partner with LUXTEAMS in designing an interactive online space for Pre-Texts facilitators from across the world to share ideas and experiences with one another.
We are so grateful to LUXTEAMS for their leadership and innovation in building dynamic team management systems!
Stay tuned for more details of our collaborative web platform for Pre-Texts!
Visit the following link to learn more about their work. |