Upcoming Events

Seminario Pre-Textos
A Spanish-led Pre-Texts workshop will take place over 6 sessions in January and February, starting on Saturday, January 16th. See poster above for more details and register here.

Pre-Texts Summer Internships
Pre-Texts is offering a 8-10 week, remote, and funded opportunity to be trained as facilitator in Pre-Texts and be paired with an organization in line with your own interests. Scan the QR code or visit https://www.pre-texts.org/opportunities for more information, partnering organizations, and application details.

Sound Cities: Community Music Ecosystems
Sound Cities: Community Music Ecosystems is a global online conference series bringing inspiring voices from the intersection of city planning, music entrepreneurship, and cultural agency into the lives of individuals on all continents. It is a co-presentation of (Re)Setting The Stage, a global knowledge hub launched in March 2020 by The Global Leaders Program with four partners to shed light on dynamic challenges and opportunities faced by arts sector professionals.
Join us starting January 18 by participating, exchanging and discussing in these interactive cross-sector and cross-continental conversations to make sense of a performing arts world both transformed and transforming.
- 18 January – 1:00PM ET: Sound Cities
- 20 January – 1:00PM ET: Case Study: Frutillar Chile
- 27 January – 1:00PM ET: Case Study: Huntsville USA
- 4 February – 5:30PM ET: Case Study: Adelaide Australia
Pre-register here.

Pre-Texts in Hong Kong
Clement Chung, Pre-Texts Asia Regional Director, is partnering with schools in Hong Kong to introduce Pre-Texts through the Language Out Loud (LOL) program. LOL is an effective reading and writing program for learners. It prompts learners to read and interpret deeper insights through the use of engaging content to develop and better understand English and language arts. The program helps students become avid readers, critical thinkers, artistic creators, effective writers and respectful collaborators.

Pre-Texts Workshop with Tom Osborn
Tom Osborn, Pre-Texts Africa Regional Director, will be leading a Pre-Texts workshop this month from Nairobi starting on Saturday, January 16th. Read more about Tom here.

Taller Pre-Textos con la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz (JEP)
La Comisión de Participación de la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz (JEP), en alianza con la Alta Consejería para los Derechos de las Víctimas, la Paz y la Reconciliación de la Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá y la Iniciativa de Agentes Culturales en la Universidad de Harvard se unen para desarrollar un proceso de apropiación de la metodología Pre-Textos. El propósito del espacio es fortalecer la dinámica de participación entre víctimas y sus defensores en el diseño e implementación de Trabajos, Obras y Acciones de Contenido Reparador (TOARS). El taller empieza el 25 de enero. |