
Newsletter, January – February 2023


Conference Hosted by the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies and CAI

Watch the Game-Changing Talks Where Arts meet Development

Full Conference Here

Caminos de la Paz. Collaborations in Colombia


On February 9th Cultural Agents co-hosted a meeting with Colombia’s  Ministry of Education to consider collaborations with several Colombian organizations including: the Special Jurisdiction for Peace, EAFIT University, the Center for Memory, Peace and Reconciliation, the Banco de la Republica and the Ford Foundation. Pathways to Peace can prepare citizens by training teachers and community leaders as facilitators in Pre-Texts.

Our first step will be to join the Ministry of Education on May 2, 2023 at a Commemoration of the Bojayá massacre.


High Impact Coalition for Chile

Collaboration with a high-impact coalition that aims to improve access and quality of mental healthcare in Chile has begun. The focus will be on combining social technologies with community-based interventions to prevent and to mitigate mental illnesses. As part of this initiative, Harvard’s HealthLab will host a panel, Mental Health By All Means on March 22, 2023 from 3:30-5:00 pm. Speakers are renowned experts, Vikram Patel, Ricardo Araya, Fawwaz Habbal, and Mario Valdivia. More information will be announced here


Welcome New Staff 


Cultural Agents welcomes Benjamin Villa and Amor Diaz Campos to the staff. Benjamin Villa is an architect with a minor in economics and a Master in Design Engineering from Harvard University. He is interested in civic innovation, and complex systems. Amor Diaz Campos is a staunch defender of the arts from Matanzas, Cuba who is currently studying a Master of Science in Arts Administration at Boston University.



Boredom: The Elephant in the Room

Cultural Agents is preparing a special issue of Frontiers in Sociology titled Boredom: The Elephant in the Room. Join us with a contribution of an original research or  review article related to boredom. The types of articles that will be accepted can be found here. The due date for the first draft is March 15th and the final due date is March 31st. You can find more information on the special issue here. Interested parties can email Benjamin Villa at



March 2- 3: The Work of Art in the World 

What is the role of arts in processes of social transformation and in the innovation of the culture of peace? How to introduce the culture of peace in teaching spaces through arts?
Feat. Doris Sommer, Ángeles Saura y Fco. Ortuño-Millán. More Info



National Network of Pre-Texts Facilitators, Chile

Universidad Mayor is leading the 1st Teacher Training Program carried out by academics from this institution, thus initiating the creation of the National Network of Pre-Texts Facilitators at the Higher Education Level. In relation to the link between Universidad Mayor and the school environment, the facilitators cascade program in this methodology will be a response to the call to action initiated by the Ministry of Education’s Seamos Comunidad (Let’s be a Community) policy to face the consequences of the pandemic to education. Read more about this project here



More Developments From Our Partner Shamiri Institute, Kenya

Shamiri Institute recently partnered with the MSF France (Doctors without Borders) Youth Program in Dandora, Nairobi, Kenya. The workshop, which was held on January 17th, 2023, involved a group of 45 young participants. “It has been so good. We have enjoyed and laughed a lot. We learned that you don’t have to put in mind what you have heard from someone because it is a false story made by people. We must obey our parents and we should not take drugs. We also learned that everything has its time. We are happy and I enjoyed the lesson”, said one of the participants. Read more testimonies here


Family Days at Anton Semyonovich Makarenko School, México 

Hortencia Chávez Reyna, our expert facilitator in Mexico conducted a workshop with the parents of sixth-grade students. As a showcase, the children made their “carpetas cartoneras” (cardboard files) in which they placed their work for the entire year. Full Report here


Pre-Texts Weavers Meetings 

The first meeting of weavers and facilitators of the year was held on Saturday, February 4. During the meeting, the objectives and progress of the projects that are currently being developed were shared. Our next gathering will take place on April 29th.


If you want to become a Pre-Texts facilitator, don’t miss the training workshop to be given by Tálata Rodríguez on March 18, 25, April 1, 8, 2023, via zoom.

The Global Leaders Institute offers the world’s first MBA in Arts Innovation in 2023 to empower creative enterprise decision-makers in celebration of its 10th anniversary. Cultural leaders deserve a degree tailored to the expanding landscape of creative enterprise.  After ten years of empowering global cohorts that transcend local perspectives, The Global Leaders Institute unveils the world’s first MBA in Arts Innovation — an industry-specific journey relevant to the challenges leaders face today. Welcome, changemakers of tomorrow. Discover the 2024 MBA in Arts Innovation.  Apply here.



 Sound Cities: Community Music Ecosystems Series

Presented by the Global Leaders Program, this online conference series brought inspiring voices from the intersection between city planning, music entrepreneurship, and cultural agency into the lives of individuals on all continents. By exploring diverse cases where music has played a strategic role in sustainable urban development, this series develops practical insights into how music can support economically prosperous, vibrant, and engaged city ecosystems. Click here to find out.



Save the Date

The Festival takes place on 15 June 2023 in Berlin. We start off with our Grand Opening and offer a packed programme with a Grand Finale including our Award Ceremony at the end of the festival, followed by an evening reception. Once again we will kick off the new year with the Digital Kick-Off Day on 23 March 2023, our free online event prior to the festival. Call for participation.



Master of Arts in Applied Human Rights

The aim of the Vienna Master of Arts in Applied Human Rights is to explore the potential and practical applicability of artistic and cultural work in creating opportunities for promoting, protecting and implementing human rights.
Starting on October 2023.  The program highly suggests applying as early as possible
First Deadline – 26 February 2023 (this is also the deadline for visa-seekers* and scholarship applicants) Program and application



20th Century Venezuelan Queens. Populism, Abstraction and State

From the mid 20th century to the end of the 1990s, avant-garde movements cohabited with the Venezuelan State in a complex relationship that founded the national political system on the basis of populist literature and abstract art. In this article, I review some of the verbal and visual policies that accompanied the transition from dictatorship to democracy in Venezuela. I discuss some of the literary, artistic and political avant-garde milestones, as well as two “beauty pageant elections’’ that functioned as a driving force for the fight for democracy in this country. We invite you to read this Case for Culture written by Vicente Lecuna in our section Collection.


Caminos por Cases for Culture Cultural Agents Opportunities Partners Pre-Texts Rennaisance Now
February 14, 2023
by Rodriguez