
Newsletter, March 2024


Opera Trucks

Fabio Cherstich, known for producing operas at prestigious venues such as the Rome Opera House and the Massimo of Palermo, will present “Opera Trucks,” which aims to bring performances to marginalized communities. He will discuss this innovative project at the “Pedagogies for Life” seminar hosted by the Mahindra Humanities Center.
He will be joined by Leandro Valiati, a cultural economist and collaborator with Fabio on a Case for Culture focusing on the Opera Trucks.
Add to your Calendar.

Roots of Resilience Project 

Speaker: Leandro Valiati, Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Creative and Cultural Industries, AHCP – Institute of Cultural Practices; Director, MA Creative and Cultural Industries, The University of Manchester.
Moderated by Doris Sommer.
The Roots of Resilience project explores the impact of recent disasters on the cultural heritage of the Iron Quadrangle in Minas Gerais, seeks to mitigate environmental risks, and focuses on the resilience and creative potential of local artists and communities.
Learn More.



Harvard Training

For further details, write to 💌:



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“Pre-Texts International”
Book Launch at Harvard

Watch the video of the launch of the Pre-Texts International Book at Harvard University.

Find out more details about The Book’s launches following this link.




Luis Reyes Pre-Texts Reflection

Luis Reyes is a Peruvian social anthropologist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), Peru.
2023-2024 Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute for Afro-Latin American Studies (Alari), Harvard University.





ROBOTICS Camp, What did we do?

During the STEAM Camp Colombia Robotics – SAI 2023 in San Andres Island, Victoria Eugenia Mena Rodríguez facilitated a Pre-Texts workshop for teachers from different areas to provide new ways of approaching the processes of creation and production of knowledge through art.

Watch Victoria Mena’s video capturing the camp experience.



Watch all our videos on Cultural Agents YouTube channel.




San Fernando College Project

San Fernando College, which accommodates 1,800 students, is launching a new initiative to foster literacy and well-being among its students. Six dedicated teachers, trained in Pre-Texts, will apply the methodology to enhance reading comprehension and socio-emotional well-being in children and adolescents. Their enthusiasm propels them toward international certification, with implementation scheduled for this year.

Read about it in the press.




New Facilitator Francisco Álvarez, Welcome!

Francisco Álvarez conducted a workshop titled “Mind, Art, and Learning – Mental Health in the Classrooms of Ecuador,” engaging institutions like Colegio Atenea, Colegio Fiscal Calacalí, Unidad Educativa Equinoccio, and Colegio Pensionado Universitario.
Participants included health professionals from diverse fields like psychology, therapy, acupuncture, nursing, and others affiliated with institutions like Hospital Carlos Andrade Marín, Fullbright, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, British School Ecuador, among others. During the sessions they read a segment from Mario Vargas Llosa’s novel “The City and the Dogs”. More: ASIRI Health.

Mental Health Awareness in Ecuadorian Schools

Read Francisco’s insights about his work at Harvard T.H. Chan, School of Public Health: Mental Health Awareness in Ecuadorean Schools Through an Art-based Protocol.




In Archivio

The ‘Archives and Health‘ network inaugurates in the Archives the international Pre-Texts protocol, whose dissemination in Italy is coordinated by the University of Chieti and Pescara, Cultural Agents and Harvard University.
This is an experiential course/course open to communities and in particular to elderly people with cognitive decline, but also to those who want to experiment active aging and creative social practices, social and health professionals, caregivers, volunteers and cultural agents.


The reading of the text “Trial instructed by the Holy Office of Modena against Geneva Gamberini for magic and sorcery” has evoked deep and intimate emotions, reproduced by the participants in a mimic representation. More here.

Workshop at Fondazione La Rocca 

From March 26th to 29th, in Fondazione La Rocca will host a Training Workshop for  teachers and school directors, as well as for social and health workers/operators and cultural associations that already have experience in cultural interventions with social impact.

For information 💌:



Casa Arcobaleno

On Saturday 24th of February our Italian team finished a Workshop at Casa Arcobaleno – Pescara.



Letter from Reggio Emilia Prison

“The circle rotates vertiginously and harmonizes our angularities. Yes, we are edgy girls, we of this circle, or rather, we have many desires under our skin that, sometimes, also thanks to the circle, we can tell.”

Letter from Tenerezza, a Pre-Texts participant in prison, from Orione, the transgender section of the Reggio Emilia Prison. Read it in full here.



Amoeba Tour in Holyoke Public Schools, USA

The teachers at E.N. White School in Holyoke Public Schools (MA) are receiving a full training in Pre-Texts. Although they were uncertain at first, we can say that they are all enjoying themselves as they become more familiar with this wonderful educational protocol, but isn’t that what happens to many of our students?
Every educator knows the importance of connecting classroom knowledge with school excursions. We have carried out our peculiar Amoeba Tour within the school facilities, but the result could not have been better, as everyone has connected with the objective of this activity.

Do not miss the video!




Latin American Culture Call for Proposals

Latimpacto and the SURA Foundation invite cultural organizations to apply for Cultura Latinoamérica, which seeks to strengthen the cultural ecosystem of Latin America. There will be 15 proposals that will receive resources of up to USD 100,000, in addition to visibility and capacity building actions.
Apply until March 17, 2024. More information here.

New Date: Weavers Meeting

We invite the entire Pre-Texts community to participate in the next Weavers Meeting to be held on March 23th at 9 am ET.
Confirm your attendance by writing to 💌:


Caminos de Paz Cases for Culture Cultural Agents Opportunities Partners Pre-Texts Rennaisance Now
March 15, 2024
by admin_basic