
Newsletter, November 2020

Upcoming Events

International Summit on Domestic/Family Violence During the COVID Era

The Summit will provide a platform for: victims-survivors of domestic violence to share their experiences and concerns; experts to present comparative worldwide findings; program leaders and caregivers to share best practices in responding to, treating, and preventing domestic violence; and governments and policymakers to share effective policies.

A key goal of the Summit is to re-energize the commitment of all stakeholders, including individuals, families, community institutions, such as faith-based, educational, media, cultural and other organizations, and governments on local, national, regional and international levels for a world free of domestic and all other forms of violence. The Summit will be recorded and live-streamed on social media.

November 18-20, 2020. Register here.

Encuentro Transmedia de Emprendimiento y Territorios Creativos
ETC LOS LAGOS 2020 de Chile

La Región de Los Lagos será el centro del primer Encuentro Transmedia de Emprendimiento y Territorios Creativos – ETC LOS LAGOS 2020 de Chile.

Si tienes un proyecto, un emprendimiento o una empresa en torno al sector de la cultura y las industrias creativas, esta es tu oportunidad para visibilizar y potenciar tu trabajo.

Invitamos también a la comunidad creativa, artistas y empresarios creativos a participar en los paneles, conversatorios, mesas de trabajo, talleres, shows, feria virtual, mentorías y ruedas de negocios con más de 40 ciudades creativas UNESCO, empresas nacionales e internacionales. ETC Los Lagos 2020 busca contribuir con la dinamización de ciudades y territorios de Chile, aprovechando el potencial del sector creativo en la región.

Keynote: Doris Sommer, “Cultura y emprendimiento en tiempos de cambio” el día jueves 20 de noviembre 2020 a las 16:00, hora de Chile.

18-20 noviembre 2020. Registro

Clase Magistral: Las promesas del malestar: educación estética, dignidad y reconocimiento

¿Qué puede aportar la educación estética a una democracia? ¿Por qué podría importar?  A partir de una lectura de Kant y Schiller, esta charla aboga por la importancia de incluir al arte de manera central en los currículos educativos, para poder alentar una verdadera cultura democrática ahora que se comienzan a repensar los paradigmas educativos en Chile.

Expone: José Luis Falconi, profesor de Bellas Artes en Brandeis University (USA) y presidente de la ONG Agentes Culturales.

Martes, 17 de noviembre de 2020 10:30 – 11:30 EST – Registro

Libertades Literarias: Afrolatinoamérica escribe

Coordinado con el seminario “Libertades literarias: Afrolatinoamérica escribe,” facilitado por la profesora Doris Sommer, este ciclo de conversaciones virtuales explora técnicas y estrategias literarias con brillantes autores. Sus creaciones inspiran a soñar, pensar, reflexionar y recordar porque, por definición, el arte es irreverente con la realidad y por eso es capaz de alentar cambios. El valor agregado de estas conversaciones a las importantes entrevistas ya realizadas sobre temas y experiencias personales, será la atención particular al arte de escribir desde la encrucijada de culturas llamada Afro Latino América.

18 de noviembre, 2:30-3:30 pm EST Conversación con Fabienne Kanor
Registro e información

Engine for Art, Democracy and Justice: Love Transmutation, Episode 8

Initiated by Dr. María Magdalena Campos-Pons, “Engine for Art, Democracy and Justice” (EADJ) is a platform for creative and social exploration that takes visual representation as a focus for developing new knowledge and new practices.

EADJ’s eighth and final episode will look at the viral pandemic in terms of connectivity, migration, and how internal vulnerability manifests itself externally. While public rhetoric portrays COVID-19 as a foreign invader, the virus itself is not an agent. It doesn’t invade us; we make decisions, or do not, through our human connections. With art, driven by love, we can adjust how these connections are made.

Moderator: Susan H. Edwards, Director and CEO, Frist Art Museum, Nashville, US
Speakers: María Magdalena Campos-Pons, Cornelius Vanderbilt Endowed Chair and Professor of Fine Arts, Artist, EADJ Founder, Nashville, TN, US; T.S. Harvey, Poet and Associate Professor of Global Public Health, Environmental Protection, Doctor-Patient Communication, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, US; Samar Ali, Lawyer, Entrepreneur, Founding President and CEO, Millions of Conversations, Nashville, TN, US.
Respondent: Edward Fischer, Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Anthropology
Artist interventions: Pre-Texts (Jamaal Sheats and María Magdalena Campos-Pons)

SAVE THE DATE: November 18, 2020. Register here.

Our World Heritage: Citizens Advancing Protection of Earth’s Treasures 

The launch event for the Our World Heritage Initiative will take place on Monday, November 16th at 14.00 CET (UTC +1). It will include an hour-long broadcast to highlight the key issues World Heritage is facing today, and kick-off a yearlong debate which will address the critical issues of World Heritage conservation and management through a series of 12 monthly Thematic Discussions in 2021.

Citizens and professionals are welcome to join and mobilize to renew and reinforce heritage protection for the next 50 years.  Without action, the legacy of the past will not be here for tomorrow’s generations.

Follow the broadcast on: Facebook Live or YouTube Live

Welcome to Chechnya: Q&A with Producer and Harvardwood
Advisory Board Member Neal Baer

Harvardwood is screening the HBO Documentary Welcome to Chechnya online for up to 50 Harvard students! The screening is on Monday, November 16, 2020 at 05:00 PM – PST. Be one of the first 50 current students to register and receive a code to watch.

Futebol Viral News
This month Futebol Viral has launched another game! For all those who are passionate about soccer, what do you know about the history of the Brazilian Championship? Come and take part in our quiz and test your knowledge! We hope you enjoy and please check out our weekly news on the Cultural Agents website.

Pre-Texts News

Pre-Texts with the Global CoCreation Lab

We continue to facilitate a bi-weekly Pre-Texts workshop for approximately 15 members of the MIT Global CoCreation Lab.

Check our Digital Pre-Texts page for regular updates.


Caminos por Cases for Culture Cultural Agents Opportunities Partners Pre-Texts Rennaisance Now
November 4, 2020
by Rodriguez