
Newsletter, November 2021

In memoriam of Marco Abarca Díaz

This newsletter is dedicated in memoriam of our agent Marco Antonio Abarca Díaz (1965-2021), a Costa Rican renowned lawyer who was an active citizen in the struggle for human rights. At Cultural Agents, among the relevant works he carried out, we can highlight the workshop he led in January, 2021 for the colombian members of the Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz – JEP and his participation in the project for the prevention of violence against women, Futebol Viral in Brazil. We invite you to read his article: A MORAL READING OF NATIONALITY LAWS about the project that he developed with Haitian Immigrants in the Bahamas. Surely his legacy will not be forgotten.

El espía del Inca, a conversation

On Thursday, November 18 at 6PM ET, the Cultural Agents Initiative invites you  to a conversation (in Spanish) about  El espía del Inca by Rafael Dumett, between the author, Prof. Doris Sommer and Prof.  Alberto Vergara.

Moderator: José Luis Falconi, University of Connecticut


Pre-Texts International Weavers’ Summit: Last Breakout Group

The Pre-Texts International Weavers’ Summit is still running. We invite you to the last session which will be next Saturday, November 20 from 9 to 10:30 AM ET TIME. We want to conclude this series of meetings with an initiative: we invite you to post your planning or project for the implementation of Pre-Texts in this Shared Folder. 

On Saturday 20 at 9AM ET TIME we will read the proposals, ask questions and share them as a group. Your participation is essential!

Murals in Mexico City 

With nearly 7,000 new pieces of public art in the past three years, Mexico City artists illuminated an impoverished neighborhood with love, history, culture, and, of course, color, all through the vibrant charm of murals and rooftop art. To see more notable interventions, visit RENAISSANCE NOW.


Make art with your text!

Mannheim Library is sharing a great initiative with Pre-Texts! They invite people to make art using their own text.

Simultaneous Pre-Texts Meeting in Colombia

On November 6, as part of the activities derived from the Pre-Texts Workshop developed last August for the  La paz se toma la palabra program, which seeks to generate conversations and reflections to contribute to the strengthening of the various cultures of peace in Colombia through artistic and cultural action, a simultaneous Pre-Texts meeting was held at four venues of the Banco de la República, San Andres, Manizales, Cali and Medellín. The facilitators applied the methodology through different activities that revolved around a fragment of the text El Llano en llamas by Juan Rulfo.

 Pre-Texts workshop with Waldschule Mannheim School, Germany

On November 8 till 10, 2021, Maximiliane Houck, Lina Seiß, and Sina Weschke led a 15 hours workshop for 9th grade students from Waldschule Mannheim. Click here to enjoy the details of this amazing project with Pre-Texts!

Pre-Texts in Sergipe Education: a strategy for mitigating violence in the school context

Professor Matheus Batalha and the Brazilian team are leading a remote Pre-Texts workshop for 25 teachers from 2 state public schools in Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil. The aim of the project is to qualify teachers in the Pre-Texts methodology so that it can be used as a mitigation tool for school violence. This project is supported by Cultural Agents and the Academia Sergipana de Letras, and funded by  FAPITEC and the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University. Read more about this project!


International Pre-Texts Workshop

On October 6th we concluded the International Pre-Texts Workshop. It was an amazing session where the participants shared their program intervention and their insights about the methodology. They will work in the implementation program and will keep in touch until they get their final reports and conclude the certification process to become  Pre-Texts facilitators. Click here to enjoy the report of all the sessions of the workshop.

Forum Theater session
On Saturday, October 30, we had a Forum Theater exercise at Adams House in Cambridge-MA, United States, with Tania Bruguera & Doris Sommer among the participants.

Madalena Schwartz, The Metamorphose
Las metamorfosis, an exhibition dedicated to the photographic essay in which Madalena Schwartz (Budapest, 1921 – Sao Paulo, 1993) portrayed the transvestites and transvestites that frequented Sao Paulo’s alternative scene during the first half of the 1970s, in the midst of the military dictatorship, will be on display for the next few months at the MALBA (Museum of Latin American Art Buenos Aires). The curatorship is by Gonzalo Aguilar, member of Malba’s Artistic Committee, professor of Brazilian and Portuguese Literature at the University of Buenos Aires, and Samuel Titan Jr., Executive Coordinator of the Moreira Salles Institute (IMS) in Brazil, professor of Literary Theory at the University of Sao Paulo, and creator of the Pre-Textos Argentina project.


Cordelista Day

In Brazil, Cordelista day is celebrated on November 19, the date on which Leandro Gomes de Barros, one of the great poets of Cordel Literature, was born in 1865. To commemorate this date, the Casa de las Americas Library invites you to take a virtual tour of the Literatura de Cordel – Exhibición, made up of 488 titles, texts collected and donated mostly by the Brazilian researcher Irlemar Chiampi.

Conquista Social 2021: Camino hacia la financiación y el impacto

Social impact leads to the growth and empowerment of the leaders of social organizations. The Camino hacia la financiación y el impacto event will be launched on November 25th, in Spanish language,  with the participation of Marisol Fernández, Head of Social Investments at Nacional Monte de Piedad de México, and Carolina Suárez, CEO of Latimpacto. Register here to participate in this virtual event.


Copyright © 2015 Cultural Agents, Inc. All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Cultural Agents, Inc.
259 Webster Street, #1
E. Boston, MA, 02128



Caminos por Cases for Culture Cultural Agents Opportunities Partners Pre-Texts Rennaisance Now
November 1, 2021
by mei