
Newsletter, November 2023

Lancet Publication

‘An Arts-Literacy Intervention for Adolescent Depression and Anxiety Symptoms: Outcomes of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Pre-Texts with Kenyan Adolescents’ is  now available in E-Medicine, from the Lancet group. Authored by Tom L. Osborn, et al.
Read more.

San Antonio, Texas

Arts and Policy: Certificate for Cities

On November 2 and 3, we landed in San Antonio for the in-person workshops to complete the Certificate program in San Antonio. The Facilitators were Peter Svarzbein, Jose Falconi, Doris Sommer. Earlier, online, we hosted 4 seminars for a mixed group from various city departments with global experts in politics, economics, business, and humanities. The sessions expand the concept and give examples of art as a change agent, a resource for addressing urgent challenges. The result of the workshops were prototypes for solving city problems through the arts. For example, “From Tabula Rasa to Table en Casa” addresses the rejection of established communities to public housing projects. The prototype adds  broad based communal meals using crops grown in land cleared and gardens cultivated by public housing residents. We added breaking bread to breaking ground.


Pre-Texts in El País

Click on the image to read the article.


Pier Luigi Sacco prepares collaborations at the
European Creative Industry Summit 2023

Pier Luigi Sacco, Action Programme Director of the Policy Optimizer of EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) Culture & Creativity, and a Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Chieti-Pescara, recently presented a Keynote Speech at the European Creative Industry Summit 2023 in Bilbao. The summit, tagged as #ECIS23_Bilbao, revolved around the theme “Decolonising Innovation – Decolonising the Mind.” For a comprehensive overview, access the full summit video through this link.


Book Launch, Pre-Texts International 

At the legendary home of Pre-Texts facilitators, Pedro Reyes and Carla Fernandez, coordinated by Stella Lirusso, Pre-Texts coordinator for Mexico. With about 50 participants, we led an “Amoeba Tour” to explore the art collection while we read “Ancestra por elección,” by Jazmina Barrera, published by Santillana Editora.
Link to The Book at Harvard University Press.


Coordinators for Harvard Internships, 2024

Isabella Madrigal, Sophia Madrigal, and Joshua Peck are coordinating this year’s group of Pre-Texts summer interns.


Internship Activities for 2024

Harvard Summer Opportunities and Funding Fair

The 2024 Pre-Texts internship coordinators at Harvard, alumni of the program, actively promote its opportunities among fellow students. They will be present to address students’ inquiries and share their experience at the Cultural Agents table during the 2023 Harvard Summer Opportunities and Funding Fair on Thursday, December 7th, from 1 pm to 4 pm.


Opportunities to learn and to teach

On December 8, 10 am in rm 216, 1730 Cambridge St. Josh Peck, Isabella Madrigal, sophia Madrigal, Sofia Santos de Oliveira will be presenting Pre-Texts opportunities for summer internships.
Whether you want to explore Paraguay and support Guaraní speaking students, or you prefer a stay in Santiago, Buenos Aires, São Paulo, Bogotá, México, and many more destinations,  local mentors will guide you to learn from dynamic environments and to teach English or any subject of mutual interest.
Come to an information session facilitated by Josh Peck. A sophomore, jazz musician dedicated to social justice through the arts, Josh was one of the Pre-Texts interns last summer, in Paraguay. There and throughout the region.



With Gloves

The new season for Pre-Texts includes cultural expeditions. “¡Pre-Textos Va!” Here we are with youth from Mugica and Gonzalo Aguilar at  the Library of the Ricardo Rojas Institute of Argentine Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of the University of Buenos Aires. In 2023, cultural expeditions introduced young people from vulnerable neighborhoods to a variety of cultural and ecological centers. We met professionals to ask them about how to become leaders in museums, parks, and libraries. All the while we enhanced the visits with readings and making works of art to explore the professions.


At the National Museum of Decorative Art

On November 1, participants from the Recreando Juntos workshop in the Mugica neighborhood of Buenos Aires visited the National Museum of Decorative Art. They interrogated the exhibition ‘Se va el caimán, se va el caimán’ by the artist and partner in the Pre-Texts Workshop, Marcela Cabutti.


Annual Showcase, Playcenter “Recreando Juntos”

On Saturday, December 2nd, at 3:00 PM, the playcenter Recreando Juntos from the Mugica neighborhood in Buenos Aires will hold its annual closing exhibition for 2023 by installing sculptures in the public space.
“Subir, bajar y otros sueños más” and “El mosquito inocente” from the book “Traveseando” by Argentine author Ricardo Zelarrayán were the texts explored by the participants during the last three months. Don’t miss their artworks!


STEAM Camp Robotics, San Andrés Island, Colombia

The Pre-Texts facilitator, Victoria Mena, participated in the STEAM Camp Colombia Robotics – SAI 2023 organized by the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación) on the island of San Andrés.


School-based Design Thinking, Hong Kong

The HKMA David Li Kwok Po College team, in collaboration with Clement Chung, Regional Director at Cultural Agents Harvard University in Hong Kong, has jointly created a school-based Design Thinking (DT) Module integrating the Pre-Texts methodology. Learn more about this initiative by following this link.


Farmacie Comunali Riunite, Reggio Emilia

Sara Uboldi underwent training in the Pre-Texts workshop in Pescara. As part of her implementations, she conducted a series of meetings in collaboration with Farmacie Comunali Riunite, Comune di Reggio Emilia, and Fondazione Palazzo Magnani, in partnership with G. d’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara.


Tambacounda Regional Cultural Centre, Senegal


“The Pre-Texts experience conducted in Senegal took place as part of the Slamgraff Festival organized by Slam'Art Tamba and the CLAP (Centre for Literature, Art, and Philosophy) developed within the Mame Cheikh Mbaye High School in Tambacounda. The Festival has reached its 4th edition and the theme proposed for 2023 was global warming and environmental protection which in this area acquires an even more important meaning. Indeed, Tambacounda is located approximately 460 km east-southeast of Dakar, the city is surrounded by a savannah with tall grass and acacia trees.” Valeria Pica, facilitator. Read Valeria’s full report here.


MA in Human Rights and the Arts program

The OSUN Center for Human Rights & the Arts is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for our third cohort for the MA in Human Rights and the Arts program, with a starting term of Fall 2024.
The MA Program in Human Rights & the Arts offers a graduate-level two-year interdisciplinary curricular experience that takes stock of the growing encounter between human rights and the arts as fields of both academic knowledge and professional work. Applications are due January 5, 2024. There is no application fee or any other costs associated with applying.















Caminos de Paz Cases for Culture Cultural Agents Opportunities Partners Pre-Texts Rennaisance Now
November 30, 2023
by admin_basic