Pre-Texts International Weavers’ Summit
On Saturday, October 30 (9 – 11 am ET – Time), we will hold an International Weavers’ Summit to learn from master weavers of Pre-Texts around the world. We will feature trainers from Argentina, Colombia, China, Germany, Kenya, and Mexico. During the following week, October 30 to November 7, each expert weaver will host a workshop for facilitators who register. The Meetings will inspire the Pre-Texts community of facilitators to design new implementations, enhance existing ones, and generate links among facilitators for transnational and multidisciplinary projects. More information here.

Shamiri Institute raised $1 Million to Expand Character Strength Mental Health Interventions for Kenyan Youths
We congratulate our Pre-Texts Regional Director, Tom Osborn, and all our colleagues from Shamiri Institute for having raised $1 million to expand character strength mental health interventions for Kenyan youths in the next few years. Youth mental health is a global problem that accounts for 45% of the global burden of disease amongst young people. It will cost our global economy $1trillion/year by 2030. We need big ideas to solve this problem: Our hope is that our community-first youth-oriented model is a template for the rest of the world. See full article HERE

Forum Theater Session
Here’s where public health meets the arts, and the humanities by extension as interpretation and reflection on the arts. We are planning a Forum Theater exercise on Saturday, October 30 (2:00 PM – 5:00 PM EDT) at Adams House, with Tania Bruguera & Doris Sommer among the participants. Forum Theater is the creative partner of Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed. REGISTER HERE to take part in this XXX experience.

Plenary Debate on Culture: Re-Imagining Urban Environments
This session of the summit develops a compelling narrative that highlights the necessary steps to be taken by cities in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. Mayor will discuss the need for new mobilizing projects, including the use of arts and culture, festivals, as well as developing an environment for digital events in the post-pandemic era. With lessons learnt from the pandemic with regards to inequalities, the reconfiguration of public spaces is needed. These efforts should be shaped through participatory processes. Introductory statement by Dr. Doris Sommer, Director of the Cultural Agents initiative, Harvard University. Click here to read more about the event.

Cultural Agents & Climate Heritage Network
We are delighted to announce that Cultural Agents is now a part of the Climate Heritage Network (CHN). CHN was launched in 2019 and released a plan to help dismantle barriers to greater engagement in climate action by cultural operators, and to scale up culture-based climate solutions. To see all our CHN Network partners click here. |