Cases for Culture

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Cases for Culture

Cases for Culture is an area of interdisciplinary work toward formulating a hybrid approach to the case method. It combines measurable sciences and speculative humanities in ways that can respond to warning signs on either side of the current divide between STEM and the Liberal Arts. Despite the inclusion of A for arts in a broader STEAM agenda, the role of humanistic interpretation remains sorely missing. Reciprocally, the humanities often ignore the value of quantitative as well as qualitative evaluation, even in research that claims social efficacy. A hybrid research agenda would offer the existing case method added elements of interpretation and speculation, to explore processes and articulate general observations. And humanistic research would benefit as well by responding to an implicit ethical imperative to evaluate the impact of publicly oriented interventions of arts and interpretation.

A Case for Culture, Doris Sommer

–Interfaculty Proposal, “A Case for Culture”

Aula Verde, Marco Abarca

Paper Monuments, Bryan C. Lee Jr.


SEE RENAISSANCE NOW PROJECT “Cases for Culture – Journal of Measurable Art Interventions”