Current Newsletter

Cultural Expeditions, Argentina


Pre-Texts Argentina team inaugurated its Cultural Cultural Expeditions 2024 program with a visit to the children and adolescents of the Juegoteca Recreando Juntos (Villa Soldati) and the Comedor Siempre Carrillo (and to the Centro Cultural Casa Walsh, headquarters of our local partner Fundación Ayres Culturales. During the visit we shared lunch, continued our reading of “La casa de Asterión”, held a masks workshop and rehearsed formulas for a choral reading of the text.

The next day we attended the play “The Man Who Lost His Shadow” based on the classic text of German romantic literature by Adelbert von Chamisso. The work created by Argentine artists Elenora Comelli and Johanna Wilhelm, based on a free version, conceives a multiplied reality where visual arts, music and movement coexist: two musicians playing live, two visual artists performing illustrated projections, five performers translating words, sound and light into movement.

“El hombre que perdió su sombra” is a work that reflects with magic, humor and peculiar beauty on the life of a man who struggles between darkness and light, between light and his shadow.

The group greatly enjoyed these visits. The program will continue throughout the year accompanying the stable workshops in the neighborhoods.

Current Newsletter