Current Newsletter

New Facilitator Francisco Alvarez, Welcome!


Francisco Álvarez conducted a Pre-Texts workshop titled “Mind, Art, and Learning – Mental Health in the Classrooms of Ecuador,” engaging institutions like Colegio Atenea, Colegio Fiscal Calacalí, Unidad Educativa Equinoccio, and Colegio Pensionado Universitario.
Participants included health professionals from diverse fields like psychology, therapy, acupuncture, nursing, and others affiliated with institutions like Hospital Carlos Andrade Marín, Fullbright, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, British School Ecuador, among others. During the sessions they read a segment from Mario Vargas Llosa’s novel “The City and the Dogs”. More: ASIRI Health.

Mental Health Awareness in Ecuadorian Schools

Read Francisco’s insights about his work at Harvard T.H. Chan, School of Public Health: Mental Health Awareness in Ecuadorean Schools Through an Art-based Protocol.

Current Newsletter