Current Newsletter

Pre-Texts 3.0, Kenya


Shamiri Institute will implement Pre-Texts in primary schools (Ages 7-10) and High Schools (Ages 13-18). Teachers will lead implementation in primary schools as part of their lesson plans, while a group of Fellows will lead sessions with high school students as an after-school program.


The Shamiri team will train a group of Grade 1-4 teachers. The team will help the teachers create lesson plans to ensure that each of those classes receives a Pre-Texts session five times for one week. This arrangement means each class will have a Pre-Texts-led session each day for one week covering different subjects.

Fellows are youth aged 18-22 years and will lead group sessions in high school. Teachers and Facilitators/Fellows will implement the program in July to become Pre-Texts facilitators. Our Pre-Texts Intern, Ismail Assafi, will join the Shamiri team for seven weeks. Click here to see all our work in Kenya

Current Newsletter